2 most common forms of training are - Weights & Cardio
When someone refers to word gym, it usually means weights & treadmills & cross-trainers & stationary bicycles. Or we go for a run or biking.
However the concept of under-training & over-training is not clear to most of us, and this is very very important. As important as your diet or rest.
Some of us have spend hours in gym trying to gain muscles and we work really really hard but no gain.
And on the contrary, some of us have spent hours trying to lose weight/fat and still no results.
And then there are those who workout less, and right, and transform their body.

And then we ask that golden question - I workout harder and longer, still why no results or limited results.
While Ans # 1 is Everyone's goals're different, body is different, lifestyle is different so it's hard to have one common program which works for all..
Ans # 2 is, working out more doesn't meant more results. Our body needs time to recover, therefore when we over train, muscles tissues don't grow, they rather are pissed off from you.
To keep it simple,
When someone refers to word gym, it usually means weights & treadmills & cross-trainers & stationary bicycles. Or we go for a run or biking.
However the concept of under-training & over-training is not clear to most of us, and this is very very important. As important as your diet or rest.
Some of us have spend hours in gym trying to gain muscles and we work really really hard but no gain.
And on the contrary, some of us have spent hours trying to lose weight/fat and still no results.
And then there are those who workout less, and right, and transform their body.
And then we ask that golden question - I workout harder and longer, still why no results or limited results.
While Ans # 1 is Everyone's goals're different, body is different, lifestyle is different so it's hard to have one common program which works for all..
Ans # 2 is, working out more doesn't meant more results. Our body needs time to recover, therefore when we over train, muscles tissues don't grow, they rather are pissed off from you.
To keep it simple,
- One must do weights 3-4 days in a week, it could be 5 days also but never train same muscle twice in a week except abs & calves.
- Try giving gaps between weight training days and use those days for cardio (Check out my HIIT article).
- Do cardio, ideally, 2 times a week on rest days, can be after workout sometimes.
- Place your meals right. Read my other articles on diet.
- Listen to your body, very important. Don't always be bound by routine, if some day in a month your body tells u i'm not up for it. Leave it.
- Rest at the right time and in right amount.
The above fundas are applicable to all of us.
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