Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Super-set it ... Now !!

I bet most of you know about super setting, if you have ever been to a gym or read about fitness. 

Most of the trainer, doctors, fitness enthusiasts believe its one of the best ways to bring change - the changes from regular routine, change in muscle growth pattern and change in fitness level. 

Super sets are nothing else but expediting your workout, doing same rep (or slightly less) with same weights (or slightly less) in less time. And less time means less rest or no rest. 

Idea is to give lesser time for body to rest between sets, this makes ever rep more effective. Keep muscles under continuous pressure / stress, and that's the key. Another big advantage is the time. And one more reason i feel its great because it burns fat faster. 

Now here is how you do it... 

Choose 2 exercises, focusing on same muscle group or different,, Eg, bi & tri or just legs or chest .... 

For Bi & Tri -- super set one bi and one tri exercise without rest, one by one... 

Do you regular exercises, same # of sets and reps etc. No change just don't rest between 2 exercises 

Similar for only chest.. pick to exercises...  and super set them.. then another 2... 

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