Friday, February 8, 2013

Detoxify Yourself

You know what i recently learnt... Detoxification is not just for women, or for people with bad hangover, or bad liver, or bad etc etc ... 

I wanna lose some stubborn fat & I don't want to use steroids or supplements for that.. 
Also I want good skin, good hair, good intestine, basically look and feel good... 
Better immune system....

It's simple, just make some modifications and keep away from few things....

Here are some basics - 

To do's 

  1. Vit C
  2. Veggies raw - Green, leafy 
  3. Fresh fruits 
  4. Juices
  5. Water 
  6. Herbal tea 

  1. No dairy 
  2. No fried stuff 
  3. No coffee or tea 
  4. No / V little spices, Sugar & salt 
  5. No pre-cooked or frozen food 

These are some basics... For more details, ask me.. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013


The Vitamin C turns fat into fuel, the tangerine increases your sensitivity to insulin, and the cucumber makes you feel full. Try it for 10 days and see what you think!

Ingredients per 8 oz serving

1 slice grapefruit
1 tangerine
½ cucumber, sliced
2 peppermint leaves
Ice – as much as you like

Wash grapefruit, tangerine cucumber and peppermint leaves. Slice cucumber, grapefruit and tangerine (or peel). Combine all ingredients (fruits, vegetables, 8 oz water, and ice) into a large pitcher.

Stir & Enjoy!